The Joule-Thomson effect – when compressed gas cools due to expansion without external work – can wreak havoc on your sample. It may lower the gas temperature below its dew point causing condensation and an altered composition, resulting in extensive profit loss and even expense.
The temperature at which hydrocarbon vapor condensation begins is called the Hydrocarbon dew point (HDP). This is not constant for all pressures, temperatures, or stream compositions and when the HDP is not measured, the sample temperature should be heated to at least 30 deg. F above the flowing temperature at the time the sample was taken. Condensation and re-vaporization of hydrocarbons within the sampling system can cause significant distortions in a gas sample. These types of sample distortions can occur under both flowing and non-flowing conditions.
The Mustang® Solution follows API 14.1 Measurement of Natural Gas Sampling Standards provides guidelines for overcoming this issue. From the Mustang® P53 Sample Conditioning System and Pony® Heated Probe Enclosure to Heated and Non-Heated Single and Multi-Stage Regulators you can rest assure knowing you’ll provide your analyzers with a representative Analytically Accurate® sample.