Reducing Fugitive Emissions

Fugitive emissions, such as methane – a large component of natural gas, are a source of direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions.  Working with our clients to reduce GHG emissions is an important aspect of …

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How Analytically Accurate® is your Sampling System?

Acquiring a representative sample from your line is key to an Analytically Accurate® analysis.  With just a small difference in BTU caused from hydrocarbon dewpoint dropout through the Joule-Thomson effect, you can lose thousands of …

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Preventing Joule-Thomson Cooling

The Joule-Thomson effect – when compressed gas cools due to expansion without external work – can wreak havoc on your sample.  It may lower the gas temperature below its dew point causing condensation and an …

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Mustang® Portable Heated Sampling System – Model 1

The Mustang® Portable Heated Sampling System (Model 1) installs into a pressurized pipeline to extract, preheat, and regulate a gas sample with a Mustang® Heated Regulator (MHR), prior to reaching a portable analyzer. The Portable …

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